Courses, Workshops, & Teachings to Awaken Your Intuition & Connect You to Other Realms

Many of these programs are available on my YouTube channel for free. Please subscribe and consider donating to help me continue the free work.

  • Unleash Your Spirit

    Based on the book, Unleash Your Spirit is designed to raise your vibration & enhance your spiritual experience on this plane of existence. It will guide you on the basics of what can be shifted to raise your vibration & ultimately bring you closer to contact with other realms.

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  • Build Your Spiritual Fortress

    A course designed to help you enhance your confidence in your spiritual protections & sovereignty. This series will give you insight into the protective measures I have used in the past to build my energetic strength.

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  • Walking with Dragons

    A workshop designed to enhance your vibrational connection to the realms of dragons. Listen to my own experiences in a storytelling activation, access a dragon meditation, and learn about their worlds.

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  • Dancing with Faeries

    A workshop designed to activate your awareness of the Fae(ry) worlds. Listen to my storytelling activations about my own experiences, how I deal with Fae(ry) energies, and what they mean to me, you, and the rest of Earth.

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  • Gridding Light for Light Workers

    Learn what it means to grid light and a variety of ways that I perceive the journey, the tools I use, and how you can do it on your own to raise the vibration of your reality & Mother Earth.

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  • Timelines & Reality

    A workshop on the perception of time, how I experience and work with it, and how you can understand it too. This workshop is split into 2 videos. Be sure to watch the second listed at the end of the first.

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  • Global Peace Meditation

    A 3-part video series to bring peace and higher energies to the Earth for those who participate. Be sure to continue from the first video into the meditation and the experience recap.

    Let's Meditate 
  • How to Meditate

    A primer for those wanting to learn more about meditation, what it is, and how it can help.

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  • Relaxation & Sensing Exercise

    Are you having trouble focusing your mind, relaxing your body, and getting into the meditative state? I feel it's related to our inability to slow down. This relaxation technique will teach you an effective way to slow your mind and body down.

    Let's relax 
  • Meeting Spirit Guides

    Designed to bring you on a journey through another time & space, this meditation will help you meet your spirit guides.

    Let's meet 
  • Meeting Fae(ries)

    This meditation is designed to bring you into another energetic space where you can meet the fae(ries) of our world in a safe space. They exist beside us, everywhere. And you can see them around you or meditate to meet them until you have the alignment to see them more.

    Let's meet 
  • Meeting Ancestors

    Your ancestors are always around and able to communicate with you in an energetic space. Meet with them to find out what you need to heal or how they can help you. Use this meditation to help create a bridge to those who have passed on.

    Let's meet 
  • Meet a Dragon

    From the Walking with Dragons workshop, use this meditation to help you connect with dragons & meet them in a safe space.

    Let's meet 
  • Meet Galactics

    Meet galactics, those from outside of our world, using this meditation that brings you into the vastness of space to safely engage with beings from places far, far away. Use this meditation to build your friendships with your galactic team.

    Let's meet