Why Empaths Should Enjoy the Calm Energy of Snow
Empaths and intuitives are people who can experience the world around them in ways others can only imagine. Those others are still able to open to empathic energies of their consciousness, but it takes work. We’re all superheroes and most don’t know it. The problem with empathic awareness is the bombardment of energy from the world around us. We can pick up on the feelings of others, the prophetic potentials in the timelines, and even read the thoughts of beings not from our world. Sometimes invisible beings surround us to send us messages, messages we need to decode and understand with our empathic skills. It may just be me, but the cold death of winter slows this down. I love snow. Walking in the snow is one of the most peaceful experiences anyone can undertake. The snow slows down the energy of our world in various ways. Nature hibernates, sleeping until the warmth of spring returns. The plants, the animals, the energies moving through the natural world slow down. They push less energy into the world. It’s still there, but it’s like turning a faucet down to a slow drip. People hibernate in the winter. They don’t go out spreading their energy around the world. Have you ever walked around in the summer and felt the energies, the thoughts, the worries of those around you? In the winter, people hibernate in their homes. Their ungrounded energies stay in those homes and dissipate from the world around us.