What Is an Empath? The Real Super Heroes of Earth Are More Than PTSD

An empath is not just someone who feels emotions. Empaths are much more than this simplistic description. They are the souls connected with consciousness, those able to feel the energy of our conscious world—emotional and spiritual energy. Recently on Twitter, I read various comments tearing empaths apart for not realizing the nature of their empathy. The comments in question suggested people who feel the emotions of others are picking up on the tiny variations in a person’s body language and speech, translating those signals into an emotional equivalent because they are experiencing PTSD from a past trauma. It’s true that many empaths have experienced trauma in their lives. Darkness brings empaths closer to consciousness. Something about understanding our trauma allows us to connect with the entire fabric of reality. Other conscious beings prefer working with people who understand themselves and their darkness. I experienced trauma with an alcoholic father in my childhood. PTSD symptoms, some that still remain, don’t allow me to feel the emotions of others. My empathic skills connect me to the conscious world. That conscious world allows me to feel the emotions of others. 

How Do I Know Empaths Aren’t Experiencing PTSD?

First of all, PTSD is a very complex condition people shouldn’t be comparing anyone to unless they have medical training. It exists. It’s real. There is a case to be made that our brains process enormous amounts of information and subconsciously cause emotions to occur. That’s true of people who aren’t empaths. Second, the next time someone tells you empaths are experiencing PTSD, or their brains are calculating enormous loads of data and translating it into emotions, ask them this… How does that make sense when we can feel the emotions of others in another room, on another street, in another city, or even across the globe? Have you ever felt something was wrong, felt sad or angry, only to pick up the phone and learn a family member is having a bad day? Have you ever felt nervous and worried, learning someone was recently hurt? Have you ever thought about someone, opened your email, and an email is waiting for you from that person without you having known it? Physical mail? Run into them a day later? 

This Is a Conscious Connection With the World Around You.

Some of it is telepathic. We are all connected through energy. Your friends, your family, even those who pass you by may have a thread of energy intertwining you with their lives. My apartment building is one I struggle with energetically. The energy of those living here tries to connect to my world. It means I can pick up on the emotions of those around me in the building. I can feel my partner having a bad day when she’s at work. I know when my friends are struggling and need me to reach out. My family is connected, sharing their anxiety and worries with me. Empathy often reaches into my dreams, letting me have conscious conversations with others. For example, I once dreamed of a friend from high school. We sat at a bar, talking. It had been years since we talked on the phone, having texted every couple months at most. I knew to call him when I woke up. When I did, I learned he had a life-altering event, one he was struggling with and needed someone to talk to. That’s not PTSD. It isn’t your creative imagination

These Feelings Are Very Real, Traveling Along Conscious Threads Connected to You.

Unfortunately, many won’t believe in the conscious world of empaths. They’ve never experienced it, so how could they? Science doesn’t offer a tool for us to measure empathy. But we’ll get there sooner or later. Just remember, if you’re experiencing telepathic communication, feeling the emotions of others, or seeing invisible beings no one else experiences, you’re not alone. We are empaths. We are the magical reality of our fantasy stories. We are super heroes disguised as humans. Everybody, every human, can join in, do the work, and gain these awesome conscious abilities. It just takes time, patience, an open mind, and most of all, acceptance that you are an empath, you are intuitive, and you can help the world heal with your empathic gifts.
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