Oberon from Oberlyx
Solid black like a gorilla, non-silverback. Just a little color around his lips where the blood gets closer to oxygen. His lips were big and able to grip almost like a horse when he eats an apple. The lip moves in that way like it grip things.
“I am here for my brothers and sisters who are living in the cages of your world. There will come a time when you will decide whether to continue visiting the cages of the ‘zoos’ as you call them or to work towards releasing those into the wild who can survive.
Release all who can survive.
All those who cannot are to be trained into keeping themselves alive in the forests, jungles, deserts, oceans, and other places. The wildlife of your world is far more intelligent than your people give them credit for.
Our brothers and sisters are our ancestors. We come from a long line of the pygmy apes you call gorillas. We were taken from that world and seeded on this world long ago. Now a master civilization able to balance its suffering with its prosperity so that all can thrive without the division and destitution of your society. We have mastered our ability to join together.
That does not mean there is not strife. There is. Hard lessons. Long lessons. Things for us to learn here. But we are far more closer to that which you are trying to achieve than you currently are. We were created through a series of DNA mutations.
Brought here by a people with long heads from stars far distant from us. They left long, long ago and never returned. Seeders, creators, beings who roam the universe to plant new races for life to have a variety of choices when the soul incarnates on another world.
Our world is one of ruins. Old, ancient civilizations long lost that we have taken over as our capacity allows us with the tools and technology we have. We are in a sense the story line of your Planet of the Apes. This story has been around for years on your world, passed down through consciousness as it is a very real place, our world. Not the storyline of your civilization being lost. One of seeders coming and reusing a planet not with a superior race, one of technological intelligence, living on it.
We eat of the fruits of trees, not the meats of the land. We live in the spaces of nature and the spaces of ruins with buildings of differing height s and likenesses built around these structures. Unlike your society, with the ancient tools of pyramids and temples left to decay while you build around them, we built with them. We utilize them. Everything we find. We are caretakers of this world as you are caretakers of your world. We take our job seriously.
We do not imprison the life of this world. It runs free. Free to roam its land. Free to roam our halls. Free to be whereever they wish to be–within reason.
We do not build the technology that you build with metal parts and sparks of light, the computers, the televisions, the devices with electrical requirements. We use that which you believe is ancient. The simple ways. Pulleys, levers, simple mechanics that can build vast, intelligent, extremely complex machines without a spark of life the way you use the spark of life. (Talking about electrons) All we need are some branches, some thought, and ingenuity to solve any problem we’ve ever had. The society comes together. We solve it. We go on our way. We don’t separate. We don’t hate. We don’t fight. We don’t divide. We band together. Those who like each other and those who do not. Solve the problem. Then we leave each other to each other’s ways.
For that’s all anyone wants on our world.
That’s all any of our brothers and sisters want on your world. To be free. To be left to their ways.
We are not coming to that world. Not with technology, flight, or those types of means. If a portal opens one day, maybe we will cross the threshold to greet each other with hands in the air. (handshake) We do have a place where gateways are open and those who wish to adventure pass on to other worlds to roam and gain knowledge. That is not a wish of mine, nor has it ever been.
I like to watch the sunsets and sunrises over the lost temples as the days go on. To be simple, present, observational in my life. To watch the cordus bees and the pimpton flies go from fruit to fledgling (small tree) to brumpus leaf (huge leaves). I enjoy observation. And observation is also within the universe. To travel with the mind with a cordus fruit (apple) in my hand, taking bites, and talking to others. This is how I have met the ancestral lineage of our kind and come to pass through many minds. To see the truth of your world. And to ask, plead, and guide on taking observation of these places, prisons, confinatories, that you call zoos. To change the way you experience them, shift the world of those around you, and begin the transition that allows your life to be free.
I understand that some of the animals in your zoos are no longer alive in the wild. As this is your doing, the doing of your species, is it not right to undo the damage to their wilderness and then return them to the wild? It is their right, whether they have a place to be or not, to be free and in the place of freedom of their choice. You who go to these places of zoo will begin to hear the thoughts of those born and the thoughts of those oppressed. What greater gift, greater treat, greater act than to take those who were oppressed and return them to their place in the world? What greater beauty than to take those born and show them they have a life beyond a cage, full of wildness, full of freedom, full of choice and growth, their evolution? You cannot save them all. This is the course of natural history. Some stay and some go. You can right the wrongs of destroying and harvesting their lands. Gift them their sovereignty through rebuilding those lands. That is all.” – Oberon from Oberlyx, a star that can be seen when standing in the Congo and looking straight up. Not within a constellation.
Oberon pinged me a few weekends ago to do a drawing and a channel. The funny thing is, the next morning I saw a commercial for a new Planet of the Apes movie. And as we talked, he already knew the story. His world is much like this. Only they were modified from gorillas by galactics a long time ago. As he mentions, they don’t know who. Just that they were creators. The image he gave is not a race I know. They have extremely long heads almost like the xenomorph in the Alien movie series mixed with an Arcturian. I get the sense of engineers, those I call originals, and others have other names.
This world is covered in jungles where he is. There was a large star, closer than ours, for a sun. A planet in the background with rings much like Saturn. And a few moons around that. He says they are far enough out to be considered a planet and not a moon. They don’t orbit the planet. Very twilight skies that I saw. Pyramids in the background with jungle surrounding them.
The buildings were all consumed by the jungle. Everything was turning back to nature. They utilize the buildings. Their markets are inside. Homes and more that repurpose the ancient structures. Animals run free and there are no door or fences (something he didn’t say, but made emphasis to share) so the animals can go wherever they wish to go.
They wore clothing. He wore something like two large ribbons over his shoulder that were red with ornate designs, tied together with a small string at the sides with some sort of blue cloth crossing his stomach that the ribbons almost hid. He ate what looked like an apple. During the conversation he gave some of the words they use. He says he is “like a priest of his kind, but not a religious priest–one skilled in consciousness and connection rather than working gardens, stables, and structures.” Structures felt like construction. Stables were not like ours. They have animals like horses that come to be cared for, again though, no fences, gates, or doors keeping them there.
His main message was about eliminating zoos. I can feel he talks to the wild gorillas in Africa and those in zoos–some wild, some born. His kind is an advanced evolution (with some help) of the gorillas. Although he says “pygmy gorillas”. And then clarifies that he is much larger.
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