“Nighty night. Don’t let the bed bugs bite… while we shove tomes of knowledge into your head and make you think you’re crazy.”
What Is a Spiritual Download?
Downloads occur when our spiritual teams, guides, angels, extraterrestrials, and others interface with our bodies and send information to upgrade our body and mind. They often occur right before we awaken to new abilities or enhances abilities.
Our bodies are essentially computers, coded by DNA. Our brains are storage devices for memory and programs.
I often wake during a download. The feeling of the action triggers me to wake. Then I see programming scrolling on my walls, physics equations, romanized text, and languages we have no physical representation for on Earth.
Days later, sometimes weeks, I’ll wake up with the download unpacked and installed. I’ve been given star maps, protections, enhanced health, telepathic abilities, time travel, and more with each upgrade.
If you wake in the middle of the night, see code or other writing scrolling on the inside of your eyeballs as though painted on the walls of your room, pay close attention over the next several days and weeks. How do you feel? What changes? Do you wake to new knowledge?
You may find yourself experiencing a download or upgrade from your spiritual team. And you’re not alone.
Read more about my experiences and downloads in
Experiences with Extraterrestrials, Sasquatch, Interdimensionals, and Others »