Manifest a Dragon 101

How to train… wait… you don’t train dragons. A short primer.

When you were a kid, if you could manifest one thing, it wouldn’t be money. It wouldn’t be fame. It wouldn’t be invisibility, flight, a spaceship, or an unlimited supply of delicious, childhood pudding cups and rectangle pizza. Let’s face it… it would be a dinosaur or better yet, an enormous dragon. Dragons are extremely real energies living around us. They exist in a world of their own. Many of the myths and legends are true to some degree. They can be greedy, protective, and dangerous. But… they are also some of the most benevolent beings you may meet when honored and treated with respect.

How Can You Manifest A Dragon

Disclaimer: If you manifest a dragon, you better be prepared to deal with a real-life dragon. They have minds of their own, like all beings. And if you manifest a dragon, the kids at show and tell may call you crazy… rightfully so, because you manifested a damn dragon! One might ask, who does that?!?!?! The cool kids. 😎 🐉 Rawr!!

Start by creating an altar.

Get an image of a dragon—a photo, a statue, a toy, anything will work. Give the space intent. Say, “This is an altar for a right minded, benevolent dragon of the highest high.” Or create a variation of your own. Don’t call just any dragon. Call benevolent, high vibrational, right minded beings.

Give a dragon valuable items—crystals, stones, and coins work.

You don’t have to offer every day. Just build a small treasure for them. And never take it away. It’s their treasure now, not yours. Occasionally, add something to the treasure on the altar.

Every day, touch the image of your dragon.

Say the words. See energy from your being filling the altar with the intention you have.

Wait. Just wait. Be patient.

When a dragon comes, it will present itself. You may start seeing signs, colors, hearing a voice, or if you meditate, it may come to you in meditation. If you’re awake enough, you may even see it move around your living space.

Work with the dragon.

Is it a friend or a teacher? You’ll have to meditate and ask for it to commune with you or find some way to commune with it, like telepathy. It will guide you on what it can do for you. Never command or demand when dealing with a dragon. If they offer, you can accept. But be prepared, there are often conditions to working with them. Some want treasure. Some want energy. Some want other things. Be sure you are clear on what you are giving and getting. Most dragons are quite benevolent when respected. They will help you. Bring you into contact with others. Give you gifts. And even just talk with you about the universe and their ways. What you do with your dragon is up to you. Just don’t expect people to see it when you go to Show & Tell. They are high vibrational, so most won’t see them… yet. Soon the skies will be filled with their wings. And those kids from my preschool class will rue the day they told me dragons didn’t exist. I raise my fist while flashing back to my pudding cup. RUE THE DAY!!! Read about experiences with dragons in The Raven’s Way, available on my website.
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