Gaia - Mother Earth
"My children, love each other as I love you. Allow yourselves to see beyond the differences of the individual. Allow yourselves to express the unique creativity of each of your souls. I exist to allow a world that embraces creativity in life and death. Creativity of the natural world and that which you bring to me. Allow yourselves to breathe, not just the air, but of life itself. To work within the worlds of the natural realm and exist in a place that bridges the Earth with humans and the stars. Those from the stars are here to help. Those from below, many unknown to you, are helping too. There are many places within my consciousness that can be explored, that have developed into realms of their own physical being, but you must first work to accept the natural balance of your own world, the Earth you stand on, before you can go trolloping (like a horse) into other realms of my being. For if you are not balanced in this realm, how can you be balanced in other realms? My message to you all is clear. Embrace each other, embrace the natural world of wonder, and stop fighting. Unite with compassion and love for creative difference. Allow the world, allow me, to thrive. And cease the destruction, the tipped scale of balance towards death, to produce more life and let nature take root, leading the way towards advancement of the human race as it always has. But allow that advancement to flow, not be forced, and follow the rules of nature. All life stems from a natural source. That life can create life. But all life comes back to natural means. So any life we create, yes, you and I, should consider the natural elements and sources as a guide. We are all one. You are microscopic beings on my gigantic surface. But together, we are one. Just like the cells of your body. They operate with the loving intention to help the whole. But they can turn against one another. Then the body falls. Do not turn against each other. Embrace each other and allow yourselves to operate in your natural state, performing your purpose. Some cells are meant to just be. Some are meant to do. You will discover your purposes more as you work more closely with the mother of Earth. That is all.” There weren't any submitted questions, so I re-used some from last time to get a different perspective.