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A man in a dark room looks out the window through the blinds. Covert surveillance. Close-up.

December 31, 2021



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Magic the Gathering, an Intuitive Experience

September 25, 2020


For those who aren’t aware, Magic the Gathering is a strategic card game where players build decks by choosing cards from the thousands of options while creating combinations to achieve victory over their opponents. It’s a game based on magic, myth, legend, fables, and all the tales of our ancestors

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Hands receiving light

9 Ways to Raise Your Vibe

July 28, 2022


To Communicate With ETs, Sasquatch, Fae, and Others. Break Your Chains Understand that reality is not what you’ve been told. You’ve been lied to. Ask yourself, “What do YOU know?” and keep an open mind. What do you know that hasn’t been told to you by parents, teachers, religions, governments,

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What Is an Empath? The Real Super Heroes of Earth Are More Than PTSD

January 22, 2021


An empath is not just someone who feels emotions. Empaths are much more than this simplistic description. They are the souls connected with consciousness, those able to feel the energy of our conscious world—emotional and spiritual energy. Recently on Twitter, I read various comments tearing empaths apart for not realizing

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Recent Articles

Daria, 3rd Queen of Atlantea

May 27, 2024


Daria is another Queen of Atlantea who wanted to be drawn before the Lemurian Life Expo. She came through with a very strong personality like an older woman who is a bit snappy and aggressive at times. Especially when asking her to clarify things. She is super wise and loving

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Air’Et’Tria A Queen of Atlantea

May 1, 2024


Air’Et’Tria, the letters she gave me to spell her name, is a queen of Atlantea. Emphasis on “a queen” as there are multiple. And this is not Atlantis. This is a civilization within the Atlantic Ocean that is completely unrelated. These people would be described as merfolk in our words,

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The Hard Realities I’m Facing. The Hard Realities Many Are Facing.

March 18, 2024


This is hard… Not easy at all… I know many of us are struggling. This is not meant to take away from them. I’m not asking for help. I’m just letting people know where things stand with my story, as I’m not sure what will happen from here on out.

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Oberon from Oberlyx

February 21, 2024


Solid black like a gorilla, non-silverback. Just a little color around his lips where the blood gets closer to oxygen. His lips were big and able to grip almost like a horse when he eats an apple. The lip moves in that way like it grip things. “I am here

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