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Joplin, A Juniper/Pinion Forest Guardian

May 4, 2023


Joplin came to me last night. He appeared behind me. Put a hand on my shoulder. And let me know he was here. He is a tree spirit guarding the “forest” which confused me. I’m in the desert. It didn’t look like much of a forest and he asked me to turn around. He said, “Behind you. That forest.” The junipers and pinions grew much thicker behind me. Like a forest, but not the forests of tall oaks and maples I’m used to. A forest of desert trees no taller than ten feet. Today I drew him.

As I gave his message, he showed me his hands moving balls of gold and white energy with sparks of blue back and forth.

“I would like to tell people to explore. To explore the forests of their own lives. To understand that just because it doesn’t look like a forest, forests are full of life. The world is full of life. The world is full of life, but you have to find it. You have to find it. Search for it. Then it will find you. That life can only find you if you make an effort to find it. There are beings all around the Earth. Beings all around. Beings all around who are willing to work with humans. To help humans who are conscious of their energy to shape the world. To shape the world like a ball of energy in the likeness they move from their hands. Beings of the Fae realm. Many of us are magical as you would say. Like the witches and wizards of your terms. But it is all just energy. And we can work and mold energy. We can mold energy to help those who wish to have more help. That is all.”

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Stewart, a Mantid from Proxima

November 17, 2023


Stewart is one of the first beings I met when I started doing spirit art publicly. You can find him in The Journey of Spirit Art, an illustrated book with ETs. He’s the black and white one on the cover. This version came out a bit different. He had me

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What Would Happen if the World Understood Death?

February 7, 2021


There’s a lot of death in the world, not just physical death. People die, but ideas can die too. Wisdom is undergoing a battle along with knowledge, patience, tolerance, and other positive ideals. These can all experience death. But what if everyone understood death? What if Everyone Understood There Is

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Tai Chi at dawn

Shooting Yoga Fire, It’s Part of Your Empathic Nature

January 30, 2021


If you’re like me, you goofed off a lot as a kid in high school, in college, and even now. The goofing off never stops. In college, we created a game called “Yoga Fire”. Well, less of a game, and more of a random act of body contortion while pretending

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